
Speedpick is the outcome of a workshop conducted by Raffaella Rivi and myself of D20ArtLab at the Istituto Valle art school in Padua, Italy.

The students designed a game-like installation inspired by 80’s arcade aestethic. They composed and recorded the music, produced game art and even built a retro gaming cabinet.

The aim of the game is to help you decide which of the different school’s programs is the most suited for you.
Speedpick was developed in React and published at https://speedpick.netlify.app

Support for the project was granted by the Inducci Project sponsored by Interreg Central Europe, Camera di Commercio di Padova and Ca’Foscari University

Read more about it on D20ArtLab website

You can play it online here! (takes a few secs to load)