Atmospheres of Craft

A new project by D20ArtLab is on display at Palazzo Sturm in Bassano, Italy.

Commissioned by Copenhagen Business School for the Hephaestus Project, this exhibition features video and sound by Raffaella Rivi and me, along with an interactive installation conceived with Francesco Ganassin.

The exhibition marks the launch of Hephaestus, a HorizonEU project. The project seeks to offer a comprehensive view of the relationship between craft, society, business, and technology. Hephaestus recognises that the value of crafts extends beyond the creation of beautiful objects, as it also involves the shaping of the character and identity of a place and culture.

Discussing the role of Creative and Cultural Industries in Economical Development

D20 for Electrolux

Last week we spoke about our D20 work with Electrolux at a panel exploring the role of CCI’s and their contribution to economical development in Italy. The panel was organised by the the Association Of Accountants for the Veneto Area in conjunction with Venice University’s HAIKU, a center for art based research and innovation.

More about D20’s work here. (Italian)

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Data Fountain, a data art project

Data Fountains, a data art project for Electrolux

After a stop for COVID-related safety measures, the Data Fountain project is being discussed again with Electrolux. It involves data art and partecipatory processes inside a company facing fast changes in the production process.

Data Fountains, a data art project for Electrolux