E’ uscito su Rai Play Sound questo bel podcast con molte musiche scritte con la Bottega Baltazar!
Ventiquattro giornate di registrazioni lungo i sentieri delle Alpi e degli Appennini e una decina di incontri per preparare le uscite sul terreno. Epitome di un fitto intreccio di colloqui con operatori, medici, volontari, con persone affette da dipendenze patologiche, problemi di salute e disagio psichico, La montagna che cura, il podcast di Luca Calzolari e Roberto Mantovani, invita alla scoperta delle esperienze italiane di montagnaterapia, e racconta gli effetti di una cura basata sul potere trasformativo della montagna. Il coro di voci raccolto dal registratore lascia intravedere il metodo seguito dagli autori, che hanno cercato di integrarsi il più possibile con le attività di montagnaterapia. Sarebbe però un errore pensare che la montagnaterapia si esaurisca con qualche camminata in alta quota, si è invece di fronte a una pratica terapeutica complessa, che necessita di un approccio metodologico a carattere terapeutico-riabilitativo e socio-educativo. Una pratica studiata per essere svolta, attraverso il lavoro sulle dinamiche di gruppo, nell’ambiente naturale e culturale della montagna, attingendo anche alle potenzialità racchiuse nel cuore più selvatico delle alte terre, capace di dialogare con la parte più profonda di tutti noi.
Category: music
Taxi Dreams is one of the Sounds of the Year 2024
Cities and Memory is one of the world’s biggest sound projects, a global, collaborative sound art and field recording programme with the aim of remixing the world, one sound at a time. It covers more than 100 countries and territories with 5,000+ sounds and more than 1,000 contributing artists.
Thousands of field recordings, recomposed and reimagined by artists around the world.
Sounds of the Year 2024 is the eighth annual Sounds of the Year compilation, which collects together some of the highlights of the hundreds of compositions submitted to Cities and Memory over the course of 2024.
These reimagined compositions cover everything from a night in an Indonesian cemetery and dawn breaking over a Bosnian village to prayers in London’s Westminster Abbey and Mongolian reindeer bells. The artistic approaches used to recompose the recordings are no less diverse, with heartfelt torch songs, spoken word, orchestral epics and bubbling ambient electronics.
Together with Francesco Ganassin I worked on a field recording of a taxi ride in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
Deciding how to re-compose this soundscape, meant to us choosing which flow we would give a sound to. Should we sit in the car or definetely step outside of it?
We finally stayed on the reflective side of the journey, enriching a flux of thoughts, developing the suggestions of a singing voice with clarinets, recorders, percussions, synth basses and a divergent pulsating granulator.
I am very happy that Taxi Dreams is among the 15 tracks selected for the compilation!
A new installation by D20 ARTLAB for Trento Film Festival and Museo Nazionale della Montagna – Turin, details here..
Live @ RSI
This weekend I had the pleasure of performing live for RSI (Radio Svizzera Italiana), remembering Fabrizio De Andre with incredible musicians like Erica Boschiero, Giua, Mauro Pagani, Riccardo Tesi.
A video of the full concert is available here below.
Video here: https://www.rsi.ch/cultura/musica/concerti/Omaggio-a-Fabrizio-De-Andr%C3%A9–2041659.html
Kyoto Adventure
Happy to have a piece featured in the amazing sound project Cities and Memory
You can hear it here.
Data River: a data art installation for Electrolux
Data River is a data art project by D20ArtLab in collaboration with Electrolux Italy that redefines the boundaries of a possible dialogue between artistic expression and technological advancement.
Thanks to a collaboration with Federica Fragapane and Paolo Corti and the enthusiasm of the IT sector of Electrolux, this on-site intallation turn the stream of production line data of the new 4.0 plant into a constantly evolving pictorial work, located in an acoustically protected area, that breathes and resonates in a continuous flow, capable of generating a sense of peace comparable to that which can arise from observing natural phenomena, such as the flow of water, the trembling of leaves in a forest.
My role: concept, coding the data ingestion pipeline, data sonification.
The installation will premiere on Oct 19 at the Electrulux plant in Susegana , Italy.
A new record is out for Caligola Records! Find it on Spotify.
Jazz Society in Rabat and Casablanca
This week I will be joining Prof. Stefano Allievi and fellow musician Franco Nesti in Rabat and Casablanca!
Continue reading “Jazz Society in Rabat and Casablanca”Live w/ String Quintet
Respira is in the top 5 records of the year for Club Tenco
I am very happy that “Respira”, Erica Boschiero‘s latest album has been selected by Club Tenco in their top 5 candidates for best record of the year.
Club Tenco is the most important price for italian songwriting. I worked on the record as co-producer and arranger and am very proud of the result.
Listen to the album or buy it here.
Continue reading “Respira is in the top 5 records of the year for Club Tenco”