E’ uscito su Rai Play Sound questo bel podcast con molte musiche scritte con la Bottega Baltazar!
Ventiquattro giornate di registrazioni lungo i sentieri delle Alpi e degli Appennini e una decina di incontri per preparare le uscite sul terreno. Epitome di un fitto intreccio di colloqui con operatori, medici, volontari, con persone affette da dipendenze patologiche, problemi di salute e disagio psichico, La montagna che cura, il podcast di Luca Calzolari e Roberto Mantovani, invita alla scoperta delle esperienze italiane di montagnaterapia, e racconta gli effetti di una cura basata sul potere trasformativo della montagna. Il coro di voci raccolto dal registratore lascia intravedere il metodo seguito dagli autori, che hanno cercato di integrarsi il più possibile con le attività di montagnaterapia. Sarebbe però un errore pensare che la montagnaterapia si esaurisca con qualche camminata in alta quota, si è invece di fronte a una pratica terapeutica complessa, che necessita di un approccio metodologico a carattere terapeutico-riabilitativo e socio-educativo. Una pratica studiata per essere svolta, attraverso il lavoro sulle dinamiche di gruppo, nell’ambiente naturale e culturale della montagna, attingendo anche alle potenzialità racchiuse nel cuore più selvatico delle alte terre, capace di dialogare con la parte più profonda di tutti noi.
Category: blog
SettantaKappaDue @ Museo Nazionale della Montagna
“Who climbs higher, sees farther. Who sees farther, dreams longer.”
Walter Bonatti
After the premiere at @trentofilmfestival, the exhibition “It was like going to the moon – K2 1954” containing our work “SettantaKappaDue” moves to the National Mountain Museum of Turin @museo_montagna
TURIN, National Mountain Museum, Piazzale Monte dei Cappuccini 7
31/10/2024 – 30/03/2025
Opening hours:
Tue-Fri 10.30 am – 6.00 pm
Sat and Sun 10.00 am – 6.00 pm
What do robots dream? @ Salone Professioni Verona
This is a picture from D20ArtLab presentation “What do robots dream? Creativity and Artificial Intelligence”, coming up next Saturday, October 12 at Salone delle Professioni, Verona.
We will be presenting to middle school students and their families, trying to demystify generative AI and see how we can use it to increase our creativity instead of replacing it 😀
Future of Management – ARTIFICIALE
On October 17th, I will be joining
Future of Management – ARTIFICIALE
2:30 PM | Aula Magna, San Giobbe Campus, Ca’ Foscari University Venice
A key event to:
🚀Experience the combination of managerial intelligence and artistic thinking with experts and dedicated workshops.
🚀Discover and visit the exhibition “Brave New World. A Craft Utopia” created for the Hephaestuscraft.eu project by D20ArtLab
Curious?👀 You just have to participate and sign up at this link: https://bit.ly/fom-2024
2:30 PM – Welcome greetings with Alessio Cotugno, anna comacchio, Franco Bonollo and Fabrizio Panozzo
3:00 PM – Creativity and complexity: decoding the generative power of (change) makers.
A Keynote speech by the most important scholar of Cultural and Creative Industries in Europe: Roberta Comunian, King’s College London, Department for Culture, Media, and Creative Industries
3:30 PM – ☑️Three Art-Thinking workshops where artists in dialogue with managers will guide participants in a discovery journey on how to think, design, and imagine the enterprise starting from art, music, and dance! •
Think like Visual | “Designing and creating an artwork to imagine an enterprise” with Sara Bonaventura and Massimiliano Mirabella •
Think like Music | “Creative harmonies: how musical processes inspire business innovation” with Davide Tiso and Marco Benvegnù •
Think like Dance | “Bodily expression as artistic gesture, choreography as organizational action” with Wanda Moretti and Cinzia Scarbolo
5:00 PM – Final roundtable moderated by Monica Calcagno 5:30 PM –
Presentation of the exhibition “Brave New World. A Craft Utopia” with Marta Gasparin, Raffaella Rivi, and Sergio Marchesini D20ArtLab
6:15 PM – Aperitif 🥂 Organized by the Venice School of Management, Venice School of Management, and in collaboration with iNEST – Innovation Ecosystem of the Northeast.
Brave New World by D20artlab is heading to Venice!
From Oct 17 – Dec 20, 2024, immerse yourself in a bold reimagining of our present and future—where artisanal craftsmanship takes center stage over mass production.
Explore creativity, sustainability, and new perspectives on industrialization at @cafoscari. Don’t miss this visionary exhibition that invites you to rethink the way we produce, consume, and connect.
Venice School of Management, Exhibition Spaces
Mark your calendars and join us!
Learn more about exhibition at D20ArtLab
A Brave New World on formkraft.dk
Recently displayed at Folkemøde, the Danish national political festival on Bornholm, our D20ArtLab work for Hephaestuscraft.eu has been featured on the online national crafts magazine Formkraft.dk!
Thanks to @formkraft.dk and all the @hephaestuscraft.eu team!
Read the article here.
Continue reading “A Brave New World on formkraft.dk”Kyoto Adventure
Happy to have a piece featured in the amazing sound project Cities and Memory
You can hear it here.
Jazz Society in Rabat and Casablanca
This week I will be joining Prof. Stefano Allievi and fellow musician Franco Nesti in Rabat and Casablanca!
Continue reading “Jazz Society in Rabat and Casablanca”Eroi su Rai5
Domani 12/12/22 insieme a Giorgio Gobbo avrò l’onore di accompagnare Andrea Pennacchi in una ripresa per RAI5 del nostro spettacolo EROI. Le musiche sono mie e di Giorgio e le riprese saranno al Teatro Filarmonico di Piove di Sacco (PD). INFO: https://www.vivaticket.com/it/ticket/omero-non-piange-mai-eroi/198959
Continue reading “Eroi su Rai5”