I have been working on this record as arranger and producer for two years now. Now it’s finally out and I am very happy with the way it sounds!
Continue reading “Respira”Respira

I have been working on this record as arranger and producer for two years now. Now it’s finally out and I am very happy with the way it sounds!
Continue reading “Respira”I have been working on a data analysis project about the current state of Cultural and Creative Industries in the Venice Area for MacLab @ University of Venice. The results are in and the report will be published online very soon as a streamlit app!
Continue reading “Releasing a data report on CCI’s in Italy”Vasco Mirandola‘s new poetry book is out! Here is a little teaser I wrote the music for, under the direction of Marco Zuin.
Continue reading “Music for a poetry book trailer”A film by Michele Aiello and Michele Cattani, premiering today. More info here.
After a stop for COVID-related safety measures, the Data Fountain project is being discussed again with Electrolux. It involves data art and partecipatory processes inside a company facing fast changes in the production process.
This year I will be teaching at Zalab’s School for Documentary Cinema. More info here: http://www.zalab.org/il-programma-della-scuola-nazionale-di-video-partecipativo-e-cinema-documentario-ii-edizione/
Continue reading “A school for documentary cinema”“Tre Storie. La memoria tra consapevolezza e oblio.” is a documentary about the Shoah in the Veneto region.
Directed by: Raffaella Rivi and Filippo Tognazzo
Editing: Raffaella Rivi
Music: Sergio Marchesini / New Landscapes
Passi verso l’Altrove: a documentary by Marco Zuin.
Info here.
A D20ArtLab project involving data art and partecipative art.
Continue reading “Our new project for Electrolux”Very happy that Mamma Dorme by Daniela Lucato has been selected by FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL CINE MUNDO DE CORTOMETRAJES
in Argentina!!